Access Map

Minami Alps City, Yamanashi Prefecture
(Reachable within 90 min. by car from Tokyo/Yokohama area)

By car

Route 1

You can come to our city from Kofu-Showa Exit on Chuo Express way and head for Minami Alps City.

Route 2

You can come from Shirane Exit on Chubu Oudan Road after you get off Chuo Express way at Futaba Junction.

By train

You can take the JR Chuo line either from Tokyo/Yokohama area or Nagano/Nagoya area to JR Kofu Station and transfer to Yamanashi Kotsu bus for Nishino Keiyu.

Minami Alps City Sightseeing Association
595-1 Zaiketsuka, Minami-Alps City, Yamanashi, 400-0221, JAPAN
TEL:+81-55-284-4204 FAX:+81-55-282-5010